WTRO Radio was an Internet radio station operating from Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio. The station served Clinton County and surrounding areas by promoting local businesses and encouraging tourism. WTRO Radio also did live remotes at different events in Clinton County. The music played on WTRO Radio was primarily 1970s and 1980s pop music.
WTRO Radio was located at www.wtroradio.com and was the 'official' radio station for the 'Radio Directories' special section of The Robert Mackay Clan website. We even had an embedded player on our front page where visitors could listen to the station directly from the page.
Unfortunately because of the expense involved in operating an Internet radio station and also due to the looming threat of increased copyright royalty rates for Internet broadcasters, WTRO Radio became part of Internet Radio history.
Here is a salute to all the people who made WTRO Radio happen. You will definitely be missed.
Last updated Wednesday 26 September 2007