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Sowers, Kerfoot & Davis Family Photos

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Here are some photos of descendants of Jacob Sowers, William Kerfoot & William Davis that I've scanned or that were given to me.

Daniel & Catherine Sowers Photos

Moshier V. Sowers Photos

Sarah Jane Kerfoot & John Clinton Bonham Photos

Frank Burch & Mary Smoot Photos

John W. Sowers & Mary Emily Mitchell Photos

Martha Virginia Sowers & George Henry Sowers Photos

Velma Lucille Sowers & Harry P. Powers Photos

John F. Sowers Photos

Edwin L. Heflybower & Aurelia R. Timberlake Photos

Lamar Heflybower & Maybelle Garrison Photos

Thomas Lamar "Tommy" Heflybower & Corrien Ann "Chickie" Diemer Photos

Mary Heflybower Photos

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