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Ongoing restoration and repairs for Bethel Church and Grounds

The necessary repairs to the roof and floor were completed in time for us to hold our annual Meeting and Traditional Service inside of Bethel.

Among some of the installments were some vents to allow for proper airing of the building to prevent moisture from remaining in order to prevent any future decay of the wooden floor beams.

I am expecting a detailed report on the repairs that were done and on the next items that will be getting attention.

* * * Stay tuned * * *

What you can do to help

If you would like to get involved in the continual care and upkeep of Bethel Memorial Church and Grounds the first step to take is to join The Bethel Memorial, Incorporated.

Information on joining The Bethel Memorial, Inc. can be found by clicking here.

Please consider getting involved in any of the areas mentioned in the form attached to the link above.

As always Contributions to The Bethel Memorial, Incorporated are gratefully received and tax deductible.

Pictures of the repair work completed in 2004

Here are some photos of the repairs that have been made following the snow storm of 2003 and also the water damage done to the sanctuary floor in the past few years on the left side of the meeting house.

Photo of replaced floor boards
Here is the section of the sanctuary floor that was replaced after the earlier boards had decayed due to water damage. You can also see one of the Hoover vents that have been installed.

Photo of repaired ceiling
Here is the section of the ceiling that had been repaired after the heavy snow of 2003 caused some of the beams to pull apart and the plaster cracked. The image looks a little dark. I might try and replace it with a better copy.

Photo of one of the Hoover vents
Here is a closeup of one of the Hoover vents that have been installed in the meeting house. These are supposed to give the building some circulation in order to prevent dampness from settling in the woodwork and thereby prolonging it's life.

Photo of the outer side of the Hoover vent
Here is the other end of the Hoover vent in the earlier photo. This side completes the circulation flow.

Photo of damaged bricks
Here is a photo of a few of the bricks in the Meeting house that need attention. I believe this is caused by ice getting inside the brick and weakening it.

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