[Home] [The Bethel Memorial, Incorporated]Links to other Sowers, Kerfoot and Davis family
DEDICATED TO THE GLORY OF GOD Some of the more favorite hymns sung at Bethel over the years may be found here. See the Bible on-line. They perform at our annual Carols and Lessons Service A descendant of Peter J. Sowers whose will we have on-line. A genealogy by Lewis Bunker Rohrbach Information on how to order a copy of this book found here. Website by a descendant of William Kerfoot. It contains an on-line copy of William Kerfoot's will. Website for folks of the surname Kerfoot. A brief biography about him found here. Community Supported Agriculture Program Farm owned by Matt Burch A Kerfoot descendant (Tennessee Kin) Has information on our Sowers family. by Kenneth D. Farrar Has information on the Davis & Timberlake families |
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GEDCOM search using the name "Jacob Sowers"
GEDCOM search using the name "William Kerfoot"
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